We are all truly just moments from being homeless. Think about it, there are several scenarios that could take us there.

I found myself in that unexpected scenario in the late 70’s when my first husband left me. I didn’t have to go, yet I knew I did. I had been living a life that left me feeling trapped within my own skin.

There were so many beliefs that I had grown up with that were no longer feeling comfortable within my skin.

In a desperate attempt to escape myself, I put all my belonging into storage and headed to Florida. I was going to put my goody toe shoes up on the shelf and let my hair down; only to find out that I am a goody toe shoes. My vulnerability is the best part of me. I found out that no one can take my innocent and belief in the good of all away from me, it’s my choice to give it up and I refuse. I continue to choose to see the best in everything. I believe this is my best quality, love.

Sure stuff happens. It’s our choice what we do with it. We can hold on to resentment or choose forgiveness and love instead. I am not saying it’s easy, it’s a choice.

Today, I pray we choose innocent in love, forgetting our past hurts and choosing to love in the moment.